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By Hannah Doherty
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Wet Cleaning Is Best

The best method of cleaning carpets is undoubtedly the “Hot Water Extraction” system.  After over thirty years in this business and having cleaned millions of sq. metres of carpet we know this is true.

So Why Provide A Dry Cleaning Service

There are circumstances in which dry cleaning may be the customer’s preference. For example an unexpected visit from a VIP might mean that carpets need to be used right away.  In this case dry cleaning is the appropriate method.

As long as the customer knows the advantages and disadvantages of each system then they can choose.  There are some jobs that will not respond to dry cleaning and even if a customer would request it, we will not take it on.

Pros And Cons Of Each Method Of Cleaning.

Pros Of Wet Cleaning:

  • much more thorough leaving you with a vastly cleaner carpet
  • better value for money because the cleaning lasts up to 6 times longer
  • more hygienic because more deep down soil is released

 Cons Of Wet Cleaning:

  • Premises and rooms out of commission while carpets are drying

Pros Of Dry Cleaning:

  • rooms and premises back in action immediately
  • safe on silks and other types of water sensitive fibres
  • no health and safety issues with regard to slippy surfaces

Cons Of Dry Cleaning:

  • can be very costly
  • ineffective on heavily soiled carpets
  • removes very little soil from the carpet

On the basis of this it has to be concluded that wet cleaning (hot water extraction) represents the best clean for the longest period of time.  From a cost point of view it works out seriously better value for money also.

Like I said earlier we use both methods.   Just thought it would be helpful to you to have our experienced opinion.

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Hannah Doherty

Hannah does a little bit of everything needed to keep the office running smoothly. She has working in the business for over 8 years now and, as she is Tom's daughter has been around Aqua-Dry her whole life. Hannah keeps track of clients, jobs and customer service as well as everything else! Read More
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