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By Hannah Doherty
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5 Handy Tips for better Spring Cleaning

Love a clean house but hate the thoughts of  spring cleaning?

These 5 handy tips that will help you get motivated, avoid time-wasting and get it done quickly and well! The first one is SUPER easy and will help you get motivated!

Getting started can be the hardest part, but you will feel great when it's finished. Let's go...


1 - Open windows - get fresh air into your home


Told you it was easy!

Fresh air circulating around your home after a long cold winter will breathe new energy into the place. I always find this is a great starting point as I take a few deep breaths of fresh air and get motivated to start cleaning.

Also, it's nice to hear the birds and kids playing outside while cleaning.



2 - De-clutter first! 


De-cluttering before cleaning will save you oodles of time!

This is because:

  • Cleaning is easier when there is less stuff in your way
  • You will get it done more quickly with fewer distractions
  • Calmer surroundings reduce frustration and help you to focus better

woman distracted by items while cleaning her room

Take the time to enjoy those old photos, cds, books properly beforehand...rather than prolonging the cleaning part.

I have found Marie Kondo's book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" very useful for tackling clutter methodically, but there are lots of tips to be found online as well.


3 - Plan and set specific times for tasks

Don't spend longer cleaning than you need to. Having a plan helps you focus and speeds up the process.

  • Prioritise the areas that need to be cleaned. Which is most important? Do that first!
  • Write a checklist for all the tasks that need to be completed in each area and decide how long it should take
    • e.g. bedroom: change bedclothes, dust surfaces, vacuum, etc. - 1 hour.
  • Set a timer/alarm to keep you going at a good pace
  • Put your phone away from you or in do not disturb mode! It will help your focus amazingly!

If you need extra motivation, build in a tea/chocolate break. You may not even want to take it if you're progressing well.



4 - Get Your Cleaning Kit Ready

Now you've made your prioritised task-list, make sure you have everything you need for cleaning to hand. E.g. you may need:

  • Dusting cloth and polish
  • Glass cleaner and glass friendly cloths
  • Bathroom cleaner and sponge
  • Rubber gloves
  • Fresh vacuum bag etc.

This minimises disruption and frustration from finding you don't have certain cleaning products halfway through the job. You will be amazed at how much more quickly you will accomplish your task!

Spring Cleaning Supplies - glass cleaner, rubber gloves, cloths etc.


5 - Get professionals in for certain jobs

Some jobs are better left to professionals, e.g. outside window washing, chimney cleaning, carpet cleaning etc.

Specific equipment and know-how can get the job done in a fraction of the time and at a much better standard than you could do yourself. We often get enquiries from people who have previously rented machines to clean their carpets or upholstery who didn't realise:

  • how much time and effort would be involved
  • the extra cost of cleaning products
  • that the results would be completely unsatisfactory
Jobs like this can be done by professionals, with top-of-the-range equipment in a fraction of the time, and, most importantly, with better, longer-lasting results.
For certain tasks, getting the professionals in can be extremely cost- and time-effective.


Women enjoying cup of tea in clean and fresh home

And finally, relax and enjoy your fresh and clean home!

I hope these spring cleaning tips will be helpful for you!  If you have any tips that you find helpful for spring cleaning, follow us on Instagram and let us know, we'd love to hear them! And of course, if you need carpet, rug or upholstery cleaning, let us know below and we'll be happy to help!

Happy Spring Cleaning!

Hannah Doherty


Let us know what you need cleaned and myself or Tim will get back to you.

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    Hannah Doherty

    Hannah does a little bit of everything needed to keep the office running smoothly. She has working in the business for over 8 years now and, as she is Tom's daughter has been around Aqua-Dry her whole life. Hannah keeps track of clients, jobs and customer service as well as everything else! Read More

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