Rug-Cleaning-DublinAqua Dry Reviews

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By Hannah Doherty
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Rug Cleaning Unusual Request


You probably won’t believe this but we were asked this very question not long ago.

Bemused, I asked the lady to explain why only half a rug. A little embarrassed she explained that she had just had her carpets cleaned and had asked the carpet cleaner to do her rug also. It was a very large shag pile rug and he agreed to do it on site.

However, half way through the cleaning, the lady was informed that her carpet cleaner was giving up on the job. He told her that it was too difficult a job and packed up his equipment.

So now she was left with half a rug cleaned and very wet and the other half untouched.

She called Aqua-Dry and I agreed to go and have a look at the rug to see if we could salvage it. We did take it away and thankfully it turned out fine.

At first I was incredulous that the technician had simply walked away mid job. This kind of lack of consideration for the client is absolutely inexcusable. An experienced cleaner will know what is involved in cleaning a certain item and should be able to price accordingly, allow appropriate time or decline to do the job if they don’t have the capacity or ability.

Now, this other carpet cleaner was cheaper than us, but the level of service that this customer got was really poor. Not only that but she had to pay us on top of the other cleaner to finish the job.

Cheap Is More Expensive in the long run

The point is really that cheap bad workmanship is very expensive.  In the end, she had to pay 50% over the odds to save her rug.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time we have dealt with unsatisfied customers who have turned to us. Almost weekly we are asked to clean up the aftermath of poor carpet and upholstery cleaning jobs.

So my advice is don’t let cheap prices be your only criteria. Too many cheap jobs turn out to be very expensive.

Aqua-Dry have a 100% money back guarantee which means that if you are unsatisfied with the clean, we come out and re-clean the area in question. If you are still not satisfied, we refund you your money, no quibbles!

And the answer to the original question is…. Yes we can…….but we would prefer to clean the whole rug.

If you have any questions regarding carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, rug cleaning or Stain Protector, why not get in touch? Email us at or call 01-8400799.

Read more: Tom’s blog on the value of rugs “How Valuable is My Rug?”

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Hannah Doherty

Hannah does a little bit of everything needed to keep the office running smoothly. She has working in the business for over 8 years now and, as she is Tom's daughter has been around Aqua-Dry her whole life. Hannah keeps track of clients, jobs and customer service as well as everything else! Read More
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