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By Hannah Doherty
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Infection Control Training Certification & Top 3 Tips for Disinfecting

With the downtime over the past few months, we undertook up-to-date "Infection Control and Bio-Hazard Fogging" training for our technicians and office staff. (See below for technicians' certificates.)

The course we did was very interesting and educated us on different types of disinfectant products, best practices, which PPE (personal protective equipment) to use, and helped us to discern which types of disinfectant products are most suitable for use in homes and businesses.

We thought we'd share three main practical tips that can be applied instantly:

  1. For proper disinfection, an area needs to be clean of any material soiling before a disinfectant product is applied. The reason for this is that if you apply a disinfectant to an area that has material soiling, the disinfectant will only be effective on the surfaces it touches. If the areas are not clean or clear of debris, the areas underneath those will not be disinfected. Warm soapy water can be used first to clean the area and then a disinfectant can be used for a better level of bacterial and virus control.
  2. Cloths can be major cross-contaminators if used across different surfaces. If you think about what you use your cloth for, if there is any bacterial or viral contaminant on one surface, by using a cloth on multiple surfaces, this can spread any existing germs across multiple surfaces. Cloths can be washed and reused, but it would be better to have several cloths on hand for cleaning to minimise any cross-contamination between different areas.
  3. If using a disinfectant product, check how long it should be left on the surface before wiping away. Often, when disinfectant sprays are used, the temptation can be to simply spray and wipe immediately. Many disinfectant products require a minimum dwell time on the surface for their anti-microbial and anti-viral effect to take place.

If you would like a quote for deep cleaning or bio-hazard fogging for office carpets, home carpets, or upholstery please get in touch on 01-8400799 or via our contact form.

Certificates of Infection Control and Bio-Hazard Fogging Training:

Certificate of Infection Control and Bio-Hazard Fogging Daniel Byrne

Certificate of Infection Control and Bio-Hazard Fogging Daniel Byrne

Infection Control and Bio-Hazard Fogging Certificate Tom Doherty

Infection Control and Bio-Hazard Fogging Certificate Tom Doherty

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Hannah Doherty

Hannah does a little bit of everything needed to keep the office running smoothly. She has working in the business for over 8 years now and, as she is Tom's daughter has been around Aqua-Dry her whole life. Hannah keeps track of clients, jobs and customer service as well as everything else! Read More

One comment on “Infection Control Training Certification & Top 3 Tips for Disinfecting”

  1. […] While we were unable to work, we got busy updating our health and safety procedures, learning more about disinfectant products and sourcing what we consider to be the best disinfectant product for soft furnishings on the market: Envirosafe by Alltec. Our technicians also completed up-to-date infection control training with Modular Training Solutions. For more information on the training, certification and tips for effective disinfection of areas see:  […]

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