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By Hannah Doherty

Coronavirus - Carpet Cleaning and Sanitisation

Novel Coronavirus Covid-19 Update 27/03/2020

Due to queries about coronavirus and carpet cleaning services etc. over the past few days, we thought it might be useful to update customers on our current situation.

  • Right now we are open for business as providers of a carpet, upholstery and rug cleaning and sanitising service. This is subject to change. (see more recent update)
  • Our staff are adhering to health and safety protocol as detailed below to eliminate risk of infection to themselves and their loved ones or to our customers
  • We are currently including our certified virucidal sanitising spray on all jobs FREE OF CHARGE. You can see more details about this treatment below. Usually an optional add-on we are including it as standard during this time. Thankfully we were able to procure a recent shipment from our suppliers.

Coronavirus and Carpet Cleaning - Sanitisation Treatment

*PLEASE BE ADVISED* - According to suppliers and the National Carpet Cleaners Association, there is currently NO product specifically certified to kill COVID-19. This is a novel virus and testing takes time

The best up-to-date guidance we can find is the NHS guidance for COVID-19 Cleaning in Non-Healthcare Settings. This recommends decontamination by using a disinfectant "effective against enveloped viruses" and "when items cannot be cleaned using detergents or laundered, for example, upholstered furniture and mattresses, steam cleaning should be used."

We are currently including our pre-existing sanitisation treatment "Micro Kill" FREE with all our cleaning services.

Micro Kill - Certified Virucidal Anti-bacterial Sanitisation Treatment for Carpet Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning and Rug Cleaning

Micro Kill - Certified Virucidal Anti-bacterial Sanitisation Treatment for Carpet Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning and Rug Cleaning

Micro Kill cleans and sanitises all water washable surfaces including carpets, upholstery and soft furnishings, hard surfaces, walls, floors, toilets, washrooms etc. It has been independently proven to kill viruses including HIV (enveloped virus), norovirus, Hepatitis C (enveloped virus) and H1N1 Influenza viruses (enveloped viruses).

Micro Kill is also certified to kill the following: Clostridium difficile spores, MRSA, and common food poisoning bacteria including Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, Enterococcus hirae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

It is bleach free, non-hazardous, non-toxic and contains a pleasant floral fragrance.

Health and Safety Protocol

  • For domestic jobs, we are sending one technician per van per job.
  • Before entering the home, the technician will wash his hands according to HSE guidelines before putting on fresh latex gloves.
  • While in the home we would recommend that residents keep away. E.g. stay upstairs, stay in another room, or go out for a walk etc.
  • At the very least social distancing protocol of maintaining a minimum of 2 metres distance must be observed.
  • Once in the home the technician will carry out the carpet or upholstery cleaning. We would ask that the rooms be left as clear as possible to minimise unnecessary contact with furniture. However, the technician will move some larger items provided there is no risk of injury.
  • All our work now includes our certified virucidal "Micro Kill" at no extra cost.
  • With regard to payment, we are accepting contactless card payment. Our technician can key card details into the card processing device and a receipt can then be sent by email.
  • After leaving the residence, the technician will remove and safely dispose of the gloves in a designated disposal receptacle in the van. He will then wash his hands again for his own safety. We have running water supply for hand-washing in the vans.

Above all, stay safe and we'll see you on the other side!

We understand that most people now will be concerned with self-isolating until this has passed. However, there may be businesses, offices or schools that are now empty and need cleaning and sanitising. People moving house may need to have cleaning done as part of their contract or before moving in. We want to be able to help both safely and carefully.

We hope to see everyone safe and well on the other side of this and we sure can't wait to be looking at it in the rear-view mirror.

Please let us know if you have any queries. If you would like to get a quote please get in touch by contact form, email us on, or call 01-8400799

We will update further if the situation changes or you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter to see our latest news.

Stay safe,

Hannah Doherty

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Hannah Doherty

Hannah does a little bit of everything needed to keep the office running smoothly. She has working in the business for over 8 years now and, as she is Tom's daughter has been around Aqua-Dry her whole life. Hannah keeps track of clients, jobs and customer service as well as everything else! Read More

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