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Office Cleaning Expertise
By Hannah Doherty
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Commercial Guarantee

It is remarkable that you hardly ever see a 100% Money Back Guarantee given with Commercial Carpet Cleaning.

It is a question that has exercised my thinking for a long time.  Some Carpet Cleaners will guarantee a domestic job worth say €100 to €200. The same company would faint at the prospect of guaranteeing a €2000 job. Why?? My thinking is that if any job should be guaranteed surely it is the higher value one.

If I spent €20,000 on a car I’d expect a much greater guarantee than if I had spent €2,000. Makes sense doesn’t it?

The reality is that most Carpet Cleaning Companies are not geared up for large jobs. The same chemicals and equipment that work in a domestic job will not necessarily work on commercial premises.

Large work needs a number of experienced technicians at the same time. On a job where 4 floors are being cleaned only 1 experienced technician is not enough.

Experience is really the vital key in large commercial work. After carrying out a thorough survey a Carpet Cleaning Company should be able to answer the following questions:

  1. How long will it take to do?
  2. What combination of chemicals or indeed cleaning systems should be used?
  3. What stains will not remove?
  4. What are the expected results?

A 100% Money Back Guarantee can and should be given on the basis of the promised results. If the promised results are not achieved why should the Commercial Company pay?

If the Carpet Cleaning Company has only 1 system of cleaning then it is usually impossible to get a satisfactory result in a large building. Different levels of soil and staining require different cleaning systems and different application of chemicals.

I guess the answer really is that many Carpet Cleaners are just not confident that they have the right combination of experience, top class chemicals and equipment and a variety of systems to guarantee a top job.

Commercial Facilities Managers should insist on a Money Back Guarantee if the promised results are not achieved. It’s one way of increasing the standards and getting better value for money.

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Hannah Doherty

Hannah does a little bit of everything needed to keep the office running smoothly. She has working in the business for over 8 years now and, as she is Tom's daughter has been around Aqua-Dry her whole life. Hannah keeps track of clients, jobs and customer service as well as everything else! Read More
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