red wine spillAqua Dry Reviews

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red wine spill
By Hannah Doherty
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Red wine stain - How to deal with it

Red wine stain - not the disaster you may think

Red wine stains have a nasty little habit of showing up on your lovely new or freshly cleaned carpets. It’s happened to us all, just when the party is beginning to warm up nicely, a friend accidentally knocks a full glass of red wine all over your sitting room carpet. For most people, some combination of panic, guilt and embarrassment usually set in immediately. People worry about having destroyed carpets or upholstery but, and here’s the good news, A RED WINE STAIN DOESN’T ALWAYS SPELL DISASTER. Want to know what to do? Read on…

When you get a red wine spillage on your carpet, the damage may not yet be done. If Aqua-Dry has previously protected your carpet, you will know what to do. If not, the way you deal with the spillage determines in large part what the outcome will be. Of course, the temptation is always to do something/anything, it’s a natural reaction.

Here is a list of things people do which you might recognise. When asked how did you deal with the red wine stain people say “I poured white wine on it” or “I used some vanish” or worse still “bleach from under the sink”. The answer we are really hoping to hear is “I did nothing” or “I only dabbed it up and left it at that”.

Our advice at Aqua Dry is to simply blot the wine spillage to the best of your ability and then leave it alone and call in the professionals. We do not guarantee that we can remove a red wine stain but our job is made a lot easier if you take our advice. Our advice is, don’t fall out with your friend, do not panic, do not introduce anything from under your sink, be patient and blot the spillage.

P.S If it is too awkward in the middle of your party to work on the red wine stain, just leave it alone and call us the next day.

P.P.S Don’t forget to bill your friend!

Here is a recent example of a red wine stain we removed from a rug. Needless to say, our customer was very pleased.


Rug with red wine stain before and after treatment

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Hannah Doherty

Hannah does a little bit of everything needed to keep the office running smoothly. She has working in the business for over 8 years now and, as she is Tom's daughter has been around Aqua-Dry her whole life. Hannah keeps track of clients, jobs and customer service as well as everything else! Read More
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